Y’all know I like to make a statement! Super happy with how this one turned out. I don’t wear it that often because it’s so busy it’s kind of hard to style, but I just love it so much I definitely will never get rid of it. It’s one of those fun “special” wardrobe pieces I will have forever.
Make Details:
✄ P A T T E R N: By Hand London Victoria Blazer
✄ V I E W: Full length with sleeves
✄ S I Z E C U T: 2/6
✄ A D J U S T M E N T S: This pattern does not have a facing piece for the blazer. As drafted, the lining comes all the way out to meet the lapels. I didn’t love this and wanted it to look a little cleaner like a traditional blazer so I drafted a facing to cut in the outer fabric for a nicer look.
✄ F A B R I C: This heavy brocade like fabric was gifted to me by my sweet friend Victoria. I only had one yard of it so I had to get creative. I ended up finding leather for the sleeves from Fab Scrap.
✄ D I F F I C U L T Y: Intermediate
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