I love sewing for other people, I do. But really had a hard time letting this one go. A pattern I’ve been meaning to make and a beautiful fabric that I don’t have enough left of for a second… just goes to show how much I love my little sister! This was her birthday present and Krissa, if you are reading this: If you EVER decide to get rid of this top I’ll take it back!
The Dove Blouse by Megan Nielsen is one of those patterns I fell in love with from the moment I saw it, but wasn’t sure how I would like it on me, or if I would actually wear it. When my sister sent me a snap of a new top she got talking about how much she’s into the new (returned) bell sleeve trend I immediately knew what I was going to make her for her birthday. This top came together so beautifully, and it fits like a dream. I love the simple drape, the elegance of the french darts, and of course the vintage-y sleeves. It has definitely made it’s way closer to the top of my “to make” list.
The only adjustments I made were construction changes. Since I was using such a light & drapey fabric, I decided to omit the hem facings and just to a turned baby hem. I also didn’t top stitch the neckline facing, instead just tacking it at the shoulder seams and at the point of the curve with a little blind stitch. If I was making this for myself, I would have hemmed the sleeves a tad shorter, but my sister is a bit taller than me so I just left them as is.
Lets talk about this beautiful fabric. Yes, it feels as amazingly soft as it looks. I have no idea what the fabric content is but I’m guessing its some sort of poly crepe. I was lucky enough to snag this at an estate sale. I think it initially was like 3 yards, so I don’t have enough to duplicate this for myself but I can probably squeeze an ogden or something small out of whats left. Again… I’m a big fan of my little sister. 🙂
I would of loved to get a picture of her wearing it but I didn’t get a chance to when we were together so if that chance comes I’ll be sure to come back and add it here.
Now I’m brainstorming what I could use to make my own Dove Blouse. I’ve been trying to stick to only fabrics from my stash, but I think this pattern would look amazing in this April Rhodes x Art Gallery rayon. This is wishful thinking as I’m pretty sure I’ve already maxed out my fabric budget for the year.
The moral of this story is… do not shy away from these sleeves or this shirt! I even think I might make just the short sleeve version. This top is magic in a drapey fabric!!!
Pattern: Dove Blouse by Megan Nielsen
Fabric: Poly crepe from stash
Notions: none
Difficulty: adventurous beginner
Adjustments: Eliminated hem facing, didn’t top stitch neck facing
Finishes: Serged seams
Sew it again? Yes! I’d love to make myself one.
Yes, yes, yes!
Love the silhouette and the fabric is just dreamy! You most certainly have to treat yourself to a version of this!