What’s better than one Kila Tank?? TWO of course! I knew this easy & comfy basic was going to get a lot of wear so I went back to my roots of sewing multiples with this summer staple.

✄ P A T T E R N: Kila Tank by Allie Olson
✄ S I Z E C U T: 0 B-cup
✄ A D J U S T M E N T S:
- Left hem raw out of laziness
- Had to do some creative piecing because I only ordered 1/2 meter of each color.
✄ F A B R I C: Bamboo Rib from Blackbird Fabrics
✄ D I F F I C U L T Y: Easy!
✄ D E T A I L S:
These tanks got so much wear this summer! They are the perfect staple to pair with all my flowy high waisted skirts and go great with overalls! I think I will be making a couple of these every summer. Construction was super easy and I love the snug-but-not-too-tight fit.
✄ Y O U T U B E:
✄ M O R E P I C S:
Happy Sewing!

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