Two things I love: ruffles & button down shirts. Put ’em together and I’m head over heals for this pattern by French pattern company I Am Patterns!

✄ P A T T E R N: I Am Patterns Magdala
✄ S I Z E C U T: 36
✄ A D J U S T M E N T S:
Lowered armholes. Next time I need to take in the side seam about 1.5″
✄ F A B R I C:
Repurposed vintage tablecloth from Shop Well Fibre.
✄ D I F F I C U L T Y: Intermediate
✄ D E T A I L S:
I had plenty of this medium weight cotton tablecloth leftover from my Chi Town Chinos project so I of course had to make something to wear as a matching set! The Magdala Pattern by I Am Patterns caught my eye from the moment I saw it because of the fun silhouette and extra ruffles! Plus it looked nice and breezy for our warm Texas weather! I decided to jazz it up with some of my bright pink buttons from Tabitha Sewer. Next time I will take in the under arms as this top is a little roomier than necessary and has quite a bit of gaping at the underarms. I would love to try the dress hack of this top sometime!
✄ Y O U T U B E:
✄ M O R E P I C S:
Happy Sewing everyone!

love your make! it looks great on you! spring, summer, and sunshine all rolled up in one.
thanks so much!!