I’m finally back in the blogging game and very excited to share my SECOND EVER finished knitting project! This one was a little on the challenging side for this newbie knitter, but I learned a lot and am really happy with the finished result.

✄ P A T T E R N:
We are Knitters Blanca Julep Tee
✄ S I Z E C U T: Small
✄ A D J U S T M E N T S:
I decided to leave off the sleeve cuffs for a shorter sleeved more streamlined look.
✄ Y A R N:
We are Knitters Emerald Pima Cotton
✄ D I F F I C U L T Y: Intermediate
✄ D E T A I L S:
This was my first time working with a We are Knitters patterns as well as using cotton yarn. The smaller yarn was a little hard to get used to, but after a while I really enjoyed it the smooth glide over my fingers and quick movement of the smaller needles. This pattern had some more challenging details in it with the open netting at both the front and back neckline, but I had so much fun seeing that part come together. Other than having to concentrate extra hard to keep my stitch count correct, it wasnt too hard!
✄ M O R E P I C S:
I’m currently working on a knitted tank using up the last of this yarn color blocked with a fun bamboo pop yellow yarn. I wanted to have it done before summer ended but such is life!
What are you knitting right now?

I just purchased this kit, the we are knitters patterns and yarns are so nice to work with! I just finished crocheting the Ete cardigan and it will be perfect for summer
Exciting! You will love this top!